
You almost had it!

Have you ever met someone who seemed to have all the intangibles but never quite “got it” and never really did anything great? Even though they had all the potential in the world they never broke away from the pack. They simply remained mediocre. Or worse they consistently underachieved.

There is this guy I read about who was pretty popular. So popular in fact that all the people around him actually made him a king! Anyways, he had a ton of potential. I mean he was quite literally head and shoulders above everyone else. If anyone could have been great it was him! Sadly, the story doesn’t end with some triumphant accolades or peace for the masses. It ends with him falling on his own sword in battle. Its downright depressing.

So what was his problem? What kept him from being remembered as a great King who feared God? If we are honest with ourselves, he struggled from the same thing we struggle with. Partial obedience to God.

We are really good at compartmentalizing our faith. We bring it out on Sunday morning and say everything we are supposed to around the saints and then live like hell the rest of the week. We remain Luke warm. We remain mediocre. God wants to use us for great things, and yet because we only follow Him when its convenient we miss out on everything He wants to use us for!

I for one refuse to live like Saul anymore.

I want to be used by God for more, for things that impact all of eternity. I want to obey wholly the Word of God. I want my kids to know that I loved and obeyed God all their lives and I want them to see what God will do with one man fully committed to Him.

No matter where you are in life, its not to late to stop obeying partially. Stop giving God the leftovers. Stop saving your best for summer camp and metamorphosis.

Give God your all and he will take you farther and deeper than you could have ever imagined.

Lets not allow our lives to end with us falling on our swords in the midst of battle. Let us end our lives with a passion for God’s kingdom and hearts completely sold out to Him.



Live Love. Don't miss Metamorphosis this year! Grab some friends and sign up for a weekend that could change your life! This year we will Metamorphosis right here at Grey Stone and Saturday you will have the opportunity to impact lives by preparing 50,000 meals for the poor in Haiti. You don't want to miss it!

Sign up for Metamorphosis here.

Check out the Metamorphosis website here



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